Shaun Doyle & Mally Mallinson

Doyle and Mallinson’s practice deals directly with political, social and historical issues by utilising an eclectic mix of cultural references. Characterised by a second-hand aesthetic, the materials used are often salvaged from other sources, bringing with them their own history. Looking beyond what is first-hand, Doyle and Mallinson explore the processes of cultural transformation that take place after an object has served its initial purpose. This re-cycling of forms is a means of distilling useful agents; elements approaching redundancy are stripped down, re-formed and re-packaged. The results challenge the cleaner more commercial concerns of some other art forms and celebrate the possibilities of extreme behaviour and belief.
2 products
  • Ecce Homo Disco
    Ecce Homo Disco
    Shaun Doyle & Mally Mallinson
  • Ecce Homo Disco
    Ecce Homo Disco
    Shaun Doyle & Mally Mallinson