Rainer Stern

Rainer Stern lives and works in Vienna. At the age of 17, he was inspired by Maria Lassnig to do his first painting in Klagenfurt. After years of sacred painting, he dealt intensively with the artists of the early Italian Renaissance and the “al prima” techniques as well as oil and glaze painting. After years of fantastic painting and collaboration with Ernst Fuchs, especially in the chapel of the parish church of St. Egid in Klagenfurt, he began his photorealistic painting in 2015. His work can be found in numerous public and private collections in Austria, India, Germany, Italy and the USA.

4 products
  • The Christian Dior Bag
    The Christian Dior Bag
    Rainer Stern
  • Perito Moreno
    Perito Moreno
    Rainer Stern
  • Giorgio Armani Models
    Giorgio Armani Models
    Rainer Stern
  • Dolce und Gabbana - Venezia
    Dolce und Gabbana - Venezia
    Rainer Stern