Nikola Markovic engages with the post-conceptual thought structure of visual media culture, crafting his own symbol-laden semantics. The seemingly boundless variety of representational modes mirrors the ambiguity of his sole subject—the pig—whose symbolic significance he humorously subverts through formal explorations in his series of images. His painted sequences oscillate between the tactile, animalistic presence of the pig in virtual space and its formal abstraction.
The pig functions as both a visual logo and a trademark, appearing in solitary allegory or as a social being within the herd. For the Serbian artist, the pig holds a deeply autobiographical resonance, as his official birth registration was delayed by a week due to the national celebration of “pig slaughtering” in Serbia.
While the Year of the Pig in the Chinese zodiac began on February 18, 2007, the pig plays a culturally significant role—both positive and negative—across many global traditions. Markovic humorously challenges the symbolic meaning of the pig through the rich semantics of his visual language, while the obsessive, monomaniacal focus on the motif ensures its ever-present significance.
Nikola Markovic presented his solo show "More Fire for the Arts" at KULTUM Graz in 2019. He teaches at the Art Academy Vis in Serbia, where he received his doctorate in 2018 as a Doctor of Arts.