Marie Egner

Marie Egner was one of the most important female artist in Austria around 1900 and counts as an important representative of Austrian mood impressionism. Her teacher Emil Jakob Schindler had a strong artistic influence on her. She dealt thematically with landscape painting in oil and watercolor as well as with the depiction of floral motifs. Her atmospheric landscapes and brilliant flower pictures were created both in the crown lands of the Austrian Empire and on her numerous trips in Europe in front of nature in plein air painting. Emperor Franz Joseph and heir to the throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand were among their collectors. Her works are in numerous public collections such as the Belvedere Museum, the Albertina Museum, the Vienna Museum, the Lower Austrian State Museum, the New Gallery in the Joanneum, Graz, the Upper Austrian State Museum, Linz, and others.
5 products
  • Part in West hungary
    Part in West hungary
    Marie Egner
  • Landscape sketch, verso cats sketch
    Landscape sketch, verso cats sketch
    Marie Egner
  • In Mühllaken
    In Mühllaken
    Marie Egner
  • Church in St. Pol de Leon
    Church in St. Pol de Leon
    Marie Egner
  • Bastia
    Marie Egner