Jean Pierre Cueto

Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in the class Hans Scheirl. From 2011 various group u. Solo exhibitions, including his solo show at MUSA in 2015, and in 2016 in the group show Wide Eyes at Suppan off space in Vienna. Lived in Vienna and Portugal. The amazing effect of Tromp l'oeuil painting, deceptive to the eyes of the beholder, is firmly anchored in the tradition of art. For his attempts to emphasize the performative quality of painting, Jean Pierre Cueto took up this tradition and at the same time showed the independence of the deceptive realism from the reality of photography or judgment, as constituted by aesthetic conventions and habits.
2 products
  • Window
    Jean Pierre Cueto
  • Man with blue shirt
    Man with blue shirt
    Jean Pierre Cueto