Gabriele Seethaler

With her series IMMORTAL IDENTITIES, Gabriele Seethaler traces the multiple thinking of great european personalities in a subtle way. Philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, composers and statesmen are being visited on their working places, all around Europe, where they got immortality through meaningful monuments and other spaces. The photographic recordings of the monuments melt together into new collages through digital manipulation and multiple exposures with historical photographies. The artist uses the almost forgotten lenticular picture technique as a representation from the 40s and creates icons in large format three-dimensional portraits.
13 products
  • Sissi
    Gabriele Seethaler
    Gabriele Seethaler
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Peggy Guggenheim
    Peggy Guggenheim
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Lise Meitner
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • KLIMT - Unterrach am Attersee
    KLIMT - Unterrach am Attersee
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Frida Kahlo
    Frida Kahlo
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Edith Stein
    Edith Stein
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Covid summer 1
    Covid summer 1
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Covid 19 Back to bussiness
    Covid 19 Back to bussiness
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Coco Chanel
    Coco Chanel
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Anne Frank
    Gabriele Seethaler
  • Ada Lovlace
    Ada Lovlace
    Gabriele Seethaler