Federico Vecchi

Federico Vecchi

Federico Vecchi experiments with the traditional techniques of drawing, painting and sculpture. Often however, they mesh with each other in such a way that the boundaries between them become blurred. Vecchi’s sculptures are to be situated «between sculpture and painting»1. This becomes apparent in the series formaunica in particular. The series of plaster sculptures was created between 2017 and 2018. The fact that Vecchi already adds colour when preparing the plaster betrays a pictorial approach: the material is subordinated to the experience of colour. The colour serves as a link between form and material and breathes life into them. After setting the finished casts are painted with diluted acrylic paint. The chromaticity, the contrast between primary, secondary and tertiary colours makes the sculptures pulsate. It emphasises the life force which is already moulded into the biomorphic plaster forms. In this one can see an allusion to the ancient notion that the ideal of liveliness is directly related to the colouring. Of course, what matters for Vecchi is not the mimesis but the poiesis, the creation of a living aura: the sculptures are surrounded – to use a term from the renaissance – by an aria that brings to light an undefined likeness between natural and art objects. This occurs by projecting organic properties onto the abstract texture of the sculptural surfaces. In Vecchi’s sculptures as in nature, random shapes evocative of figurative elementsncan be recognised. However, this happens only in the act of beholding. The beholder’s gaze seems to actively take part in shaping the transformable matter.
15 products
  • Imprint #81022
    Federico Vecchi
  • Imprint #21022
    Federico Vecchi
  • Imprint #40219
    Imprint #40219
    Federico Vecchi
  • Imprint #2219
    Imprint #2219
    Federico Vecchi
  • Imprint #15319
    Imprint #15319
    Federico Vecchi
  • Imprint #0319
    Imprint #0319
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #8418
    Formaunica #8418
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #5318
    Formaunica #5318
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #30817
    Formaunica #30817
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #30318
    Formaunica #30318
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #240318
    Formaunica #240318
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #23117
    Formaunica #23117
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #22118
    Formaunica #22118
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #18218,
    Formaunica #18218,
    Federico Vecchi
  • Formaunica #181217
    Formaunica #181217
    Federico Vecchi