Elena Kristofor

Elena Kristofor

Through her background in architecture and photography, Elena Kristofor engages is concerned with the exploration of space and is in search of an expanded outside. Starting from the body, reflection takes place through intervention and site-specific installations. Elena Kristofor lives and works in Vienna. She studied architecture and fine arts in Vienna and has exhibited, among others, at the Landesgalerie Linz, Museum of Western and Eastern Art in Odessa, and the Austrian Cultural Cultural Forum in London. Her current project "Project in the forest" invites the viewer invites the viewer to experience the forest as a four-dimenranslator (free version)sional space and to Art exhibition into question. She continues to focus on shifts in reality.
4 products
  • Wald II
    Wald II
    Elena Kristofor
  • Wald I
    Wald I
    Elena Kristofor
  • Entwurf eines Waldes VIII
    Entwurf eines Waldes VIII
    Elena Kristofor
  • Entwurf eines Waldes II
    Entwurf eines Waldes II
    Elena Kristofor